View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 01:21 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hello all,

This a very active thread, full of many different ideas and opinions. It will be closely monitored, please continue to communicate in the manner in which you all have been doing so far.

There are several things that I would like to say:

Yzzzguy, you posted the above pictures - and by your own admission you state: "This photo of O'Neil using the Spiricom is also a frame grab from a video and can be found on Mark Macy's World ITC web site."

Please just link to the pictures on other websites - do not reproduce them here. Otherwise, acquire permission from the owner before you do.

John, if you post the video, please post it on Youtube and then link to it here. Given the subject matter, I think that would be best.


Now, I'll throw in my two cents worth :rolleyes:

1. The fact that Spiricom has not been duplicated does not indicate that it did not happen. If Bacci was the only one to experience two-way radio conversations, would that mean that it was not real because nobody else duplicated it?

2. Personally, I don't think anyone is going to prove or disprove Spiricom. The people that knew best are now on the spirit plane of existence.

3. In the clips provided above I did not hear Mueller tell William to turn the camera off.  And even if that had been true, it proves nothing. It only provides for speculation.

4. Deep down, I feel that even if there was a possibility that Spiricom was not real (not my opinion at this time), it would not even matter. Look at the results that have come from it. Look at how many people dive into experiments believing that it is possible. And it is. And it will happen again. If Spiricom turned out to be false, it still led the world towards becoming open to the possibility of direct communication with those in spirit. And that will prove to be just as important.



Last edited on Mar 16th, 2008 05:53 PM by Keith Clark