View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Feb 23rd, 2007 05:10 AM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
 Hi people,
I am not able to get back to fresh ITC work for now, I've decided to get my website built up a bit, and focus on a couple other things as priorities.  Over the past three years, I've been talking to a fellow who lives in Maryland on the opposite coast of the U.S. from me. It started pretty much as soon as we began having phone conversations.

He was on his cell. phone, I was on my home phone. I would tell him that voices were talking over him now and then. They seemed to get stronger with each phone conversation we had. Finally one day, months into these calls, we decided to record them. I can say with certainty that my name was called out numerous times, so I do believe it is more than a typical malfunction.

If any of you would like to hear some of these bursts of interruptive evp, I've put together a collection on this page of my website :  

If the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it into your browser window

The last time we talked on the phone a few days ago, it was quite busy with these extra voices. In fact, they seem to be evolving with time. If you go to this page, see about listening to the one I've labeled as " Try This One " . This sample is from the last call we made.
