View single post by TT
 Posted: Mar 13th, 2008 11:01 AM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32

It is amusing to see however different people of course have different view points.  The pastor I spoke with was very open-minded and saw a lot of similarities between the EVPs and praying in general. Talking with members of his congregation though they immediately put up a wall saying that it was not acceptable.
Interesting to say the least that individuals that even share the same beliefs fundamentally still differ on what is an acceptable practice.  I strongly believe we will find the same to be true when Spiricom 2 is developed.

I still view us as less then perfect in that some need their egos messaged. See it frequently even in the EVP community. People want the official recognition and monetary gain associated with a great creation.

It is why I feel those on the other side may believe we are not ready for it here yet.

Now the chaos factor is in freewill. However, if those of the upper realms choose not to communicate with us because they do not believe we are ready does that mean those on the earthbound plane would not communicate either?  I believe quite the opposite. This presents the relevant question though of what would people experience through their communications with the negative energies?

Is food for thought if nothing else as we can only speculate. Playing devil's advocate of sorts. Pun intended there. =)

My personal feelings are that I believe Spiricom would be a substantial benefit for all of mankind. It will still all revolve around what they feel we should know. After all, being given the results is quite different than experiencing the journey on our own finding them for ourselves.

Slider,  unfortunately if the Japanese and Sony do have a model I doubt it would be called Spiricom though,  possibly the Buddhacom 3000. That would create quite a stir don't you think? ;)

Great points of discussion to both. I wonder if anyone else has an opinion?
