View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Mar 13th, 2008 10:25 AM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144
I agree Slider very stimulating!

Why should we care about what anyone else thinks about this work? I for one don't care. For me, it's a personal quest. 

One of the points that I was trying to make above is that there seems to be (in some Para-normal circles) a seemingly built in bias against religion and those who have a belief system.  I could be wrong, and I apologize if this raise any hackles as i don't mean to. 

It's just that I've had a number of people interested in this work, at times, express an opinion that somehow, people of faith won't accept the findings. I've found quite the opposite when discussing this subject with both clergy and those who have a belief system no matter what the faith.

I would say that to me, the work we do here in fact will strengthen and prove that there is an after-life and ultimately perhaps, a creator.  For me there is no "battle-field" of concepts there is only truth.

LOL you're right... Whether SOny is just sitting on "the box" or not is a fun thing to ponder. Who knows...

We all share the common goal: to create a working "spiricom".  What happens after that, no-one knows.  This concern certainly didn't stop others though, and I say we plow ahead and create the device!

I agree this is a great discussion!


John D