View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 10:27 PM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144
Understand where you're coming from Toby for sure. We all have our own opinions as to how this work might affect the physical world.

Who knows what ramifications might ensue when a device is perfected.  No-one really knows at this point.

One clarification I'd offer re: religious attitude. I'm a Catholic and I work with EVP. In the 50's a priest by the name of Fr. Crenneti stumbled upon an early evp while doing a wire recording. He was perplexed and astonished to hear his father's voice speaking to him.

Make a long story short, this priest brought the recording to the Holy See and ultimately to the Pope.  The Pope (Pius the??) examined the data and found himself approving of the the priest's work.  It was thought that anything that proves the existence of God was a good thing. It was after all simply proving what the church had said for 2000 years.

As far as talking to spirits....LOL many priests will tell you privately that spirits do indeed exist although the church recommends not listening to them.  It makes reference in the New Testament also and advises not to speak to the spirits as they will only try and deceive... (LOL SOmething like that...)

I relate this because I feel there are some mis-conceptions about organized religion and those of the faith.  I can't speak for all certainly, but I bet that many poeple of faith would welcome the scientific proof of an after-life. There is official dogma and of course, there is the day to day truth....  I'm not here to defend Catholics but being one, I can assure you the the long tradition of brilliant thinkers; scientists and academicians in the faith is alive and well.  Heck did you know that the Big Bang theory was from a Catholic priest named Le Matre? Most priests I know will admit to some acceptance of spirits and the like.

As to your excellent questions... Yes, why don't they just tell us how to do it?? I agree that I wish they would too but perhaps it's we that must find it for ourselves. Much like faith must be reconciled only in the human heart. 

I've been pondering the great wealth of brilliance that is not accessible to us on this plane and how very sad this is.  Perhaps, as you said so well, we must learn to walk first and our feeble human brain is in-capable of comprehending the true reality of it all.....

Of course they'll always be the "doubting Thomases"... But this won't dissuade us I bet!

You're right...I don't think Utopia is possible here on this plane.  But it would be just awesome to speak with Grandma or Grandpa again...

We must dream and not assume... We must embrace the mystery and try to make sense of it all. 

Who knows where it will lead us, but, the possibility of cross the veil communication beckons.

Till next thoughts!  LOL
