View single post by TT
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 09:11 PM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32

Excellent points.  I believe my tendency is to drift into the philosophical sense.

We are the "babies"  if you will,  in the spiritual sense.  In this life we are learning to crawl. In the next walk and so on.

With the knowledge of all the great minds that has passed over to the other side with the infinite wisdom that follows the chain to the top being the creator,  why then through the EVPs has the information on how better to communicate not been passed down to us?

I know others have received advice on how to improve hearing the EVPs.  I was lucky enough to be the recipient of one EVP that told me a particular setting in Audacity and it worked wonders for me being able to hear better. With knowledge of the programs and equipment we are using why is it not more forthcoming of a schematic or some such?

This is what leads me to believe that they feel we are not ready for a device such as Spiricom. If we were why not just assist us in creating it? They know their own realm better then we do. They have a better understanding of the frequencies and anomalies that hinder us from progressing further.

Better yet,  think of the implications for the world if it would be proven. I do not see a utopian society after that. We will obviously still have our debunkers that will not believe ituntil they get to the other side. We have a multitude of religious zealots who would not be accepting of the infidels trickster machines claiming to speak to spirits. Leaving the largest for last,  catholics do not believe in communicating with spirits. They believe we are conversing with evil entities and is the work of the devil.

Taking it to an economic stand point. A device is made that does have two-way communication. As Slider said, patents would be held, reverse engineering, minor tweaks and we then have a new race between Sony, Toshiba and Microsoft on who can develop a better Spiricom. Of course all of the costs are passed on to the consumer with this being after they play out a year or two of demand just like personal computers.

Until the next Generation X who never listened to their parents while their parents were living now do not bother listening to them when they pass. A fad for some, a novelty for others and of course the major purchasers are those getting up in age who feel that they need to find their spirituality because their own mortality set in.

Rather cynical I know. Maybe I just have a lower opinion of humanity. Open any newspaper or watch any station and it is all about money. From commercials to ratings to selling news. I still hold firm to the belief that the world is a far cry away from being ready to accept a more spiritual world through communication with the other side.

All of your points are very thought provoking and am enjoying the discussion emmensely. One thing I neglected to say though is when you do succeed please let us be the first to know. ;)
