View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 08:40 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
A personal can be imagined the Faraday cage wasn't part of the mix and added as an appeasement of critics. While noone was around they may well have used one, but probably didn't. After all, from Jurgenson onward to the present day, noone uses a Faraday cage while recording for EVP. I think it more likely to be something invested in if the system seemed to work without one. Putting up such a large structure for the equipment size would have been prudent and great for science, but he had to show the thing could receive contact without one first ?
A kind of head game with a benefactor and a catch 22.

Re the billionaires you mention Toby...great point and you'd think that certain flamboyant types may have an interest. Have they been approached ? :wink:
Main thing is that most inventions come from garden sheds. When shown to work, in the presence of an investor and when patents are at least applied for, that seems to be the route of financing a commercial product to repay the investor. That's pretty much the possible story with us. But, do we want a product ? and there lies a big question.

The highly personal statements could be phone numbers or that his trouser fly was undone lol. Could be a good few good reasons and will probably always be a problem area.
I totally agree with a list of facts being made. To function as a checklist perhaps. If we get one running and telephone numbers come forward, they would be the type of sounds which would have to be clearly audible in themselves.