View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 08:29 PM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144


If I may, I'll comment on your thoughts below....

Thought about this at length for some time as to the validity of Spiricom.

Just thought I would throw a few points in here as well as I find the general discussion quite interesting.

Things we "assume" are true as it is documented fact for us:

We know there is an afterlife as we have facilitated contact for ourselves.

There is an abundant amount of anecdotal evidence that seems to support the hypothesis of continuance of consciousness.

We know that upwards of $500,000 was spent on making this a reality.

Yes, this is the amount reported.

We know that Mueller and O'neil had a genuine desire to succeed.

We know that Meek had a desire to succeed. We do not really know O'neill's motivations as there is very little data directly attributed to him. We know how Meek felt about him, but very little info from O'Neill himself. Mueller is the discarnate entity (supposed) so it's hard to judge "his" motivations.

(I cannot see throwing away that money and anothers reputation on a farce.)

We must consider that Meek was a brilliant dreamer who envisioned a world changed by the revelation of continuance of life.  Through his books and writings and certainly press conference we know what he envisioned.  We do not know with certainty that O'neill was as motivated.  In truth, the Spiricom did not start working until about 2 years of trial and error. We know that O'neill was subsidized by Meek.  I can see a scenario where-by O'neill, frustrated by lack of progress, may have decided to make the system seem to work FOR Meek.  This could've started innocently enough, with O'Neill simply wanting to give Meek what he wanted.  The whole thing might've gotten out of hand when Meek, thrilled with a breakthrough, decided to mount the press conference.

O'Neil, in this hypothetical, would then just have to go along for the ride perhaps not having the heart to tell Meek that alas the results were not real.

I've come to this opinion based on my own study of the system and the writings of Meek and of course through the reading of Ghost of 29.....

The final straw for me has been the viewing of the British documentary that features the video footage of O'neiil in front of the system being berrated by the ghost of Mueller to "Turn off that damn recorder".... For which no logical explanation exists in my mind at this time.

What we cannot prove or disprove:
That Spiricom's results were legitimate.

Here I beg to differ.  We can apply the scientific method.  Results must hold up under peer review and duplication of protocol.  Since no successful duplication has occurred in the 25 years since SPiricom, we might make a reasoned assumption that Occam's law applies.  The simplest explanation for me at this point is that the system did not work and that is why no demonstrable data has arisen to hint at the Spiricom's validity.  I say this with regret and hope. I believe that the Spiricom was headed in the right direction and we as the next generation may indeed create the breakthrough.

Taking just those few points I tend to feel that with most undertakings of this magnitude there are normally deadlines to meet.(No pun intended)

Could O'Neil have possibly fabricated results to give Mueller to justify more money or the money already spent?

I would answer Yes...O'Neill could've been in it for the money.

Could the spirits have declined to be a part of this as they feel the world is not ready for something of this magnitude? Which to me, seems logical as I find it difficult to get straight answers from them myself at times.

Great question that I've grappled with. My own opinion is that this work (EVP) hints at the existence of a creator and I therefore hope the He/She blesses the work that we may be able to eventually prove His/Her existance to the physical dimension.  Opinion also, is that there may be many levels of consciousness. We in our EVP's may be getting only the "lower ends" meaning the entities closest to our physical realm. The theory goes that these "lower enders" may indeed not be allowed or willing to give us much pertinent information.

I've noticed I get more cogent information from my Staticom recordings than my hand held EVP recordings. Don't know why, other than I may be connecting to "higher ups" using the more sophisticated technology.

With the billionaires around every corner these days and the updated technology available why hasn't anyone developed something more then Spiricom?

Great question!! You may be interested in learning that there are many, many organizations out there working on this.  One of the biggest is Sony. They had an active and fully funded PSI lab until a few years ago. They amassed an abundance of data that has not yet seen the light of day. My guess is that a "soul phone" may indeed be around the corner. I'm involved at this moment with funding efforts....Stay tuned!!

Just a few thoughts as I simply feel that the world is not ready for something of this magnitude. That is however for another philosophical discussion.

I believe we are ready....  Witness the I-Phone, particle accelerators, wireless internet!!!  I'm not being flippant. I think we're closer than some may believe.  Witness Sony's criptique comments on their own research....They seem to indicate it may be easier than first thought to make contact... Heck, the Vatican itself had no problem with the subject of EVP.  I surmise the only folks that might have a big problem might be Atheists!

Thanks for raising some great questions Toby!


Good stuff.