View single post by yzzzguy
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 07:55 PM
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Joined: Mar 10th, 2008
Posts: 9
The reason that Mueller wanted the videotape to be stopped was much more mundane than y'all think.

Check out the transcript of the cassette tape that Keith has posted...particularly pages 15 and 16.

Excerpt 16 is the exact portion shown on the Spiricom video clip. Read what Meek said below that:


We have stated that the mind, memory banks and personality survive

death of the physical body. A facet of Dr. Mueller's personality—one of

which was of value in managing large and important research projects

—clearly showed in the tone of his voice when requesting that the camera

and sound be turned off so that he could make some highly personal

statements to William..."


I believe those "highly personal statements" were some more phone numbers that Mueller wanted O'Neil (and/or the Metascience Foundation members) to check out.