View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 10:19 AM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144
Slider, you've raised some important philosophic issues.  I few thoughts on your comments...

Edison and Marconi and Tesla et al were men of science and reason.  They understood that results and data must be obtained through experimentation and duplication.  Mueller being a man of science understood this certainly.  It would not be in keeping with his personality nor his efforts to better the system, to want anonimity.  This just makes no sense.

Meek's own deeply held desire, was to bring this technology to the world in order to foster a new paradigm transforming the world for the better.  This was his calling, to prove the immortatlity of the soul and that "there is no death."

He himself must've known that in order to realize his dream, he would have to prove beyond a doubt that his device was in fact real.  Sadly, he couldnt do this due, in my opinion, to flawed protocol and un-verifiable results. O'neill himself was perhaps a brilliant man, yet, the results he obtained must be carefully scrutinized.

The fact that all communication stopped near the moment that Meek wanted to video tape, is highly suspicious.

No-one to date has successfully duplicated the results.  So, while I agree that the journeys of spirit are of utmost impotance, the science is also of utmost importance.

Truly, Meek's dream is alive and well.  In truth, a breakthrough in this field that we entertain ourselves in, would be revolutionary and in many ways, confirm that which religion has said for millenia: that we are immortal beings and, as Meek said: "There is no Death."

I so glad that we have this forum to discuss matters of such import.

John D