View single post by yzzzguy
 Posted: Mar 11th, 2008 09:34 PM
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Joined: Mar 10th, 2008
Posts: 9
I knew about the Spiricom video clip (between O'Neil/Mueller) over 2 years ago (it's mentioned early in JG Fuller's "The Ghost of 29 Megacycles") but was unable to obtain a copy from the person who has the original. Then I found out about this program (i.e. "Voices of the Dead") around April or May of last year and got a copy around late June.

DMP (David Monaghan Productions) does not have copies for sale nor does Channel 4 (at first the researcher at Channel 4 denied there was any such program until a senior researcher took down the info I pointed to...yeesh).

If you're interested in viewing the script - DMP has it posted at their website (see link below).


There is 1 glaring mistake made: the first organized research into EVP occurred in the US in 1956 by Attilla ("Art" to his friends) Von Szalay and Raymond Bayless. I located the apartment they rented for this purpose but haven't been inside yet. Of course - things have changed drastically in 50 years and it is butted up against a very busy Starbucks!