View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 7th, 2008 04:50 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
lol, oh, i'm quite new to the Spiricom scene and the odd foul up or two is likely, even if self perceived :)
Fascinating stuff though.
Will forward the regards..thanks.

I have a couple of general questions relating to radio waves and more in keeping with Spiricom, as well as traditional EVP methods.
If the various encodings and gawd knows what else are heterodyne'd, removed, changed, it possible to analyse the signal at all stages ? Could the stages be feasibly monitored and then analysed where an EVP is caught, to spot the 'kick in' of the possibly spirit based contact ?
I'm a great believer in some electronics working better than others as, for whatever reason, they seem to gather real Class A EVP's better than others. So, the next part of the theory goes that a method of signal altering employed in some proven units may be similar and so form a clue as to how to employ heterodyne stages in future research devices.

Noted items of my own, that i'm wondering about shared design stages:
Olympus Pearlcorder S702 tape based recorder
Motorola V50 cell phone
RadioShack TAD-798 telephone answering machine

If those share something, while all gave clear EVP, then it might be a step in the right direction.