View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Feb 28th, 2008 05:57 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Notemanz wroteLet's see what we get if anything....  Using FM send and receive units mixed with tones, noise reduction etc.

Stay tuned,

John D

Interesting you are considering using FM John.  I had thought about that but then I had to stop and wonder:  To modulate FM, the Spirit would have to modulate the frequency of the carrier wave.  How in the world could that happen?  I can easily see AM, or better yet, Single Side Band (SSB) using the mixed tones as the Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO).  These modes are easily modulated, and the carrier wave does not change frequency.

Since Spirit does not speak acoustically, (if they did, we wouldn't need Spiricom, now would we?), it still lies true to the assumption that Spirit impingment happens at the RF energy level.

One thing you might try is this:  Break into the transmitter modulator circuit, and separate the input from the pre-amp.  Ground the pre-amp output with a 1000 ohm resistor to keep it from running away into self-oscillation, or worse.  Place a voltage-controlled amplifier circuit into the modulator input.  Drive the voltage-controlled amp with a wireless mic device.  Perhaps that would bring all formats together for results.

Also, remember your antennae must reside inside the Faraday enclosure.  Otherwise it can only be assumed you have received a radio station of some sort.

Last thing, for all experimenters that plan to use RF:  Unless the antennae are enclosed, you will be transmitting RF into the the  atmosphere.  The FCC will come to visit you, and they will not be smiling! 

1st offence:  They confiscate your gear, give you a warning, and tell all news media about criminal activity.
2nd offence:  $10,000 fine and possible imprisonment.

Friends, I am not trying to sound heavy-handed here.  I just don't want anyone to get into trouble!

Oh! and John, thanks for posting those clips!!



Last edited on Feb 28th, 2008 05:59 PM by Jeff