View single post by Notemanz | |||||||||||||
Posted: Feb 25th, 2008 12:14 PM |
Jeff, Yes, I believe I have the proper technical manual. However, I would love to make sure of this. The one I have is the one available as part of the CD recordings I bought. It is written by George and has the Metascience heading on the front. I hope I do have all the proper booklets. I do agree that I believe this is right path to follow. By all means we all must believe what we think is the truth. We must however, (opinion here) use our common sense also. The fact that this work has never been successfully duplicated should speak volumes as to what to believe and what not to believe. I know you'd agree, the scientific method requires duplication of results, in a controlled setting in order to "proove" the hypothesis. You Jeff possess all the technical knowledge that we need, yet you yourself have encountered some difficulties duplicating the system. My fervent hope is that you or one of our comrades here can duplicate the system. It's what we're all hoping for. Till that time, I'm afraid I have to go on what I see... And what I see with Spiricom is unsettling and questionable. I will attempt to post the footage of SPiricom and the exchange between Mueller and O'neill re: video taping. I can't come up with a reasonable explanation as to why Mueller would be so offended by the video tape. It flies in the face of everything they were trying to do. Again, my conclusion stands, that there was trickery here. Although I also agree with you that the idea is sound, but did it really work? This is the question we continue to try and solve. Best, John D