View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Feb 21st, 2008 05:27 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Very good John!  First, we look for truth!  With the truth in hand, we can, with all confidence, move on. 

On the privacy of your friend, understood! 

I had no idea that $500k was invested!  I knew they had the best equipment on hand, but some of that, as I understood anyway, came from NASA's checkout library (for those reading, if you are employed by NASA, you can checkout equipment from the arsenal).

As far as voice is concerned, the modulated mixed tones are all I hear.  So let me do some educated thinking:

1)  If the antennas were actually enclosed in a Faraday enclosure, then no radio could modulate the RF.  We know that. 

2)  If the device was constructed as shown by the Spiricom flow chart, then the device would be scientifically solid, and immune to exterior RF.

3)  And here's the kicker:  If there was no RF, and the tones were modulated by direct audio mixing, then we have been deceived.

Well, let's be patient, and let this unfold.  One way or another, we will find the truth!

Again, good work there, John!



Last edited on Feb 21st, 2008 07:38 PM by Jeff