View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Feb 20th, 2008 05:57 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Notemanz wrote: Sarah Esetp is also featured in this program and she is dubious at best re: SPiricom in that it has never to date been duplicated although many have tried.

I certainly recognize Sarah Estep as a pioneer of the EVP research!  And she is quite correct in saying "it has never been duplicated...".

Having said that, with all due respect to Sarah (and I really respect her!), Sarah was not a phycisist, or electrical engineer.  If anyone reads the Spiricom Technical Manual, there is information within it that no-one can denounce, or disprove.  The Technical Manual was a composite of laboratory tests, by people of doctoral knowledge.  And we must keep that fact in mind. 

They used the best equipment available at the time, and documented their findings from an objective point of view. 

As an EE, I can attest to their approach of the research.  However, I cannot attest to the absolute lab work having been done, since I was not there.

But John, I am glad you brought these findings up.  If there are falsifications, then we, as a group, must rule them out!  After all, we are here to find the truth, nothing else!

Good work there, and I hope we can sort it all out!



Last edited on Feb 20th, 2008 07:01 PM by Jeff