View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Feb 20th, 2008 09:54 AM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144

F.Y.I I obtained a documentary about EVP and ITC done in 2000.  It is very interesting and had some features on Alec Macrae and others.  One of the most interesting sections was on George Meek and Spiricom.  Very great profile on George and O'neill.  Sad to say there is a very controversial piece of footage (video) showing the device in use. 

In one of the clips, Mueller scolds O'neill for turning the camera on.  I'll post the exact title of this show in this thread.  I'm now convinced and it is my opinion that O'neill was not credible.  Why, I pose to all of us, would Mueller as a supposed spirit entity get angry when the video was filiming?  Makes no sense that a "cranky" spirit (scientist no less) would have a problem with video documentation.

Sarah Esetp is also featured in this program and she is dubious at best re: SPiricom in that it has never to date been duplicated although many have tried.

I post this a fodder for discussion.  Although I personally feel that Spircom was on the right track, I' have grave doubts re: O'neill and his credibility.

John D