View single post by EVP_Babs
 Posted: Feb 20th, 2008 05:49 AM
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Joined: Jan 23rd, 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 28

I have two TriField Natural EM Meters. There are four settings; magnetic, electric, radio/microwave and sum. "Sum" combines both the electric and magnetic settings.
To the best of my knowledge they are designed to ignore any possible man-made interferences. To date, (approx 4 years and many investigation in many active locales) the meters have not noted any disturbances.  I do not hold them but place them in a stable location in areas noted for activity.  Many of these type devices are single axis. The TriField Natural is triple axis. When I purchased them, I had high hopes. I have been sorely disappointed.

The peripheal vision topic fascinates me. I have seen two FBA's peripheally as the flash of someones camera fired. Also, I once was able to see someone's aura through the reflection in a mirror. This person is a Reiki Master and quite skilled at manipulating her own energy. I was able to see it expand and retract both from her crown and her hands. This led me to think that seeing  "beyond the veil" has to do with light refraction; the light having to bounce off of something near. I've been trying to develop a mirror attachment for a camera lens that would allow the photo to be taken "peripheally". The simple approach would be to use to cameras, one with a flash and one without, place at 90 degree angles next to eachother and fire simutaneously. I'm leaning towards the mirror attachment because although I take very few photos on investigations, the ones that have caught my attention are ones I take over my shoulder try to "catch them in the act".

Now back to the Theramin... Some of the ones I've been seeing utilize light blocking. If a ghost is made of light and light technically can not block light then this approach seems futile. Synchronisticly (sp?) one of my team members has told me he has a friend with a Theramin and we should be able to try it soon. I think it would be of benefit to explain and demonstrate it to the spirits as well. I am looking forward to it.