View single post by TT
 Posted: Feb 12th, 2008 12:55 PM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32

I was looking over the posts and this caught my eye.

"Carson...I Was Born Bellinger (Space) Before the Strike 1889" (Nine was Cut off by accident I will try to restore from the original clip)"

To me I believe Carson is someone they are talking to. Born IN Bellinger( only place in England is Shipton Bellinger), Born A Bellinger, not sure but leads me to believe their last name was Bellinger. However, it leads to a question of do we have different names on the other side as well, maybe true names since we would often be called something different in this realm upon return. That is another topic entirely.

The strike in 1889 though is less difficult. There was one famous strike in the year of 1889 which was this:

This particular strike basically changed the way the lower class workers are treated and hired. As well as the poverty that was prevelant. There is an attached PDF as well describing the strike a bit more as well.

The next link is a Bellinger family tree. As you can note there are many Bellingers that were born and living in London during this time. There isn't a way that they could have remained oblivious to the strike as it caught the attention of the Pope as well. I believe there are some names of those you might be able to contact on the other side for more information.

Hope this info helps in identifying who your speaking with on the other side.


Attachment: Great London Dock Strike.pdf (Downloaded 1364 times)