View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Feb 10th, 2008 06:34 PM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144
Here is one from Test 5.

I believe I hear the following:

"Carson...I Was Born Bellinger (Space) Before the Strike 1889" (Nine was Cut off by accident I will try to restore from the original clip)

With Staticom, I tend to get more specific information for some reason.  If my theory is correct, there are in fact spirit communicator teams working on their side using more sophisticated "equipment" than our standard  EVP  recorders.

If this is what I suspect, an individual giving specific info on birth date and location, we can try to verify thru records.  I will research where Bellinger might be and if there was a strike of some kind at that time.

Of course, I'm not sure this is what's being communicated and I would love other interpretations. Feel free to work with any of the clips and re-post id you'd like.


John D

Attachment: CarsonIWasBornBellingerBefo.mp3 (Downloaded 1095 times)