View single post by TT
 Posted: Feb 5th, 2008 08:48 PM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32
I have been giving this a lot of thought and reading many different posts on this forum as well as other researchers forums.

In all the things I have read it still comes back to the mental condition of the researcher. If the person is stressed or upset or just not in "balance" this is known to cause no readings, bad readings, or false readings.

My mind kept drawing me back to the same focal point that it may not be the equipment or the research path but the mental preparedness of the researcher. I know people may be saying that of course that is the case. However, from what I have read although most researchers attain a calm state of mind through music or meditation how many people actually devote as much time to improving their own conciousness?

I mean if our frequencies are the doorway as we are the conduit why would we not work on ourselves as much as the equipment or methods?

Following this train of thought I read more on different mediums in being able to attain an inner peace with themselves that would put them in harmony with the spirit voices almost instantly. Hence they are able to communicate with no devices at all. This is the same for psychics.

I do not really have a question about this I guess I was just looking for input to see if this would also be viable. I just look at it as the same language with just a different dialect. If all of their communication, manipulation of energy, travel is based on thought wouldn't it stand to reason that by improving our own focus that we would have an easier time with the contact?

Think of Astral projections and out of body experiences. Still all based on our own thoughts. We are just a part of the larger whole. So what that tells me is that we all have the innate ability to do this. However our upbringing and outside stimuli condition us to tune away from our instincts. Maybe becoming more in tune with our "instinct" we might have a much easier time with communication.

I am putting together some programs and such on meditation and improving mental focus. If anyone is interested let me know.


Here is a link of a small program of what I am talking about. If anyone has any difficulties let me know.

Last edited on Feb 5th, 2008 09:02 PM by TT