View single post by fratka
 Posted: Feb 5th, 2008 09:58 AM
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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318
I hope you will stick around. I don't think John meant anything by it.... Even though its basically the same language, brits have a way of saying things differently. Watch a few episodes of "Young Ones" or "Fawlty Towers" and you will know what I mean.

Disagreement is part of the learning curve, trust me there are many here who have felt far worse a sting. I say try all and any ideas you have, at the very least you will learn what doesn't work and move on to the next idea.

I hope you change your mind Jeff, you have a lot to offer in technical expertise and a lot to learn as an experimenter. We have some of the best ITC experimenters on this board.

Best Regards,

Frank R.