View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Feb 4th, 2008 04:15 PM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144

And all members.... I own two theremins and have owned many through the years. This is absolutely a crazy approach. 

Yes, the theremin is a "proximity" device and yes, it responds to (Like a tesla globe) to a "wand" (Your Hand).  It can go off by itself (mine has a number of times).... Someone can use a garage door opener and this bloody thing can go off.

With all due respect, this is a crazy idea. Here is the thread of a mini theremin for $24.00 if you really want to play around.

Heck, why not use a Tesla globe or maybe just try a motion sensor.  I'll give you one idea that I've played with which is kinda cool: use a speech recognition program, put it in a very quiet room and see what you get.  I've done a couple experiments and I do believe there might be a paranormal application for this technology.

P.S. you may even want to use a drum or wind chimes (Or trumpet as in the old spiritualist days) and have the spirit make noise this way. 

I am a professional musician and I would impore you, don't spend $300.00 on a theremin.

Pls. check out the Ebay item above you may find is quite fun.

I've heard a lot of crazy things but I can assure you this is a crazy one for sure. No dis-respect intended but I just don't think members should spend this kind of money for a theremin.

John D