View single post by Misty
 Posted: Jan 30th, 2008 10:01 AM
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Joined: Mar 13th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 188
Interesting TT. I also had one weird experience with the cell phone (which i use maybe twice a month LOL). I had a strange recording that sounded like someone called on accident and the phone was just running in the background. I kept listening to try and figure out who it was since there was no attached number. The more I listened the more I started to realize things were being said in evp format so I made a quick recording of it to analyze and the results can be found here

I dont know how much you have read yet on this subject. Many people think it takes a certain amount of time for those who have crossed to be ready to communicate with us. I however think sometimes it takes us an amount of time to get thru the grief process before we are ready and open to the communicant who is trying to come thru. They say time has no meaning for them, yet for those of us that are still here time is part of every waking hour.

When you are in a bad mood its usually not a good idea to record then. Wait until you feel better then try. Maybe work with someone who is unattached to the emotions you are having, they may be able to record them for you if the spirit wishes to send a message at this time. Of course emotional attachment always helps but emotional disturbances only hinder this work.

I wish you luck!
