View single post by EVP_Babs
 Posted: Jan 23rd, 2008 06:50 AM
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Joined: Jan 23rd, 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 28
Greetings Everyone!
lkimberly extended a warm and gracious invite to me and I am looking forward to taking part in the forum discussions. My name is Michelle "Babs" Babiarz. Most people call me Babs but Michelle is fine as well as I see there is another Babs already here.

I currently live in Georgia U.S. and have since the Olympics in 1996. I have been heavily involved in paranormal research for the last 6+ years. My passion has always been spirit communication and I suspect it always will be. I am co-founder of a great group which can be found at

I learned about ITC right from the start and was immediatly facinated. I felt an "odd" connection with Konstanin Raudive and the words he spoke in his after death communications. Over the years, I attempted to speak with him via traditional forms of EVP with no luck, though I always felt someday I would be successful. That day finally arrived a few months ago. The audio file of that communication is too large to post here (I already lost my 1st entry when I r'cvd the error for the file size!) but I would be more than happy to email it to anyone who would like to take a listen. Keep in mind it is a personal message and I would prefer it didn't make it's way across virtual land.

I am a dedicated researcher who strives to bring as much scientific protocol and methodology to testing as possible, while also recognizing that we are far from proving anything. My goal would be to instill as much integrity and validity to our work as we can.

Again, I thank Laura for the invite! I am excited to be a part of these forums.
