View single post by DavidR
 Posted: Jan 4th, 2008 07:26 AM
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Joined: Nov 19th, 2007
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Posts: 61
Hi Jeff, here is the lastest on Sarah from the AA-EVP sight:

David UK

Sarah Estep, who established the AA-EVP in 1982, made her transition to the other side January 3, 2008.

Sarah has been a pioneer in the study of EVP, both in her work as an EVP experimenter and the long service she provided in the support of the EVP community during a time that EVP was little known and poorly understood. Her first book, Voices of Eternity, has been the introduction to EVP for numerous people, who have in turn, gone on to make important contributions to the field.

Join us in honoring her work by taking a few minutes in meditation to thank her. We are confident she will hear your thoughts.

If you believe Sarah has been a beneficial influence in your study of things etheric, consider taking time to send us a message describing why you think she has to our contact address.