View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Dec 30th, 2007 11:26 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

I have actually made contact with Jaime Machado and spoken to him through email. In addition, I decided to take a look at the "gobeyondnow" website again.


On this page I found a statement that says that they verified that there are actually two separate Muellers who were similar.......but it must have been all part of the plan, part of the hoax - a clever smokescreen by the perpetrators.

What does that mean exactly?

……………they’re basically saying that “Yes, we came up with a theory, and yes, we were wrong about the Spiricom personalities, and yes…………….um, someone must have deliberately had these two men be born with similar names. Therefore, it must be a hoax because no one can prove that it is not. We started this controversial topic, so we must hold to our positions.”


Has anyone looked at their pages of information? To give them credit, they have done some outstanding research - there were many bits of information that I considered new and previously foreign to myself......but I'm still waiting for one that proves their case and supports their objective..

Each topic they discuss appears to be establishing links between Meek, Mueller, and other personalities...............but they never out and out say that new knowledge of a previously unknown relationship between two people must therefore contribute to a conspiracy of some kind. What amounts to several pages of commonly misconceived information about Spiricom by the public is used to slant feeling, hopefully in the direction of their cause.

For those of you that come across this topic, or read about claims of a hoax, it is your job and responsibility to read a little deeper.

It is clear that the rise of this issue which is based on the original concept that there must have been one George Mueller in invalid, and I am still waiting for this group of people to produce something that will make me question Spiricom.

Why would you have a page on your website admitting that two separate George Mueller's have been validated, then on another page of your website show pictures with handwritten comparisons of facial features between the two?? Why would you compare the faces of two separate men to prove that they aren't separate???

Smoke and mirrors?? Yes, that is clear. But on whose part?

