View single post by DavidR
 Posted: Dec 16th, 2007 12:37 PM
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Joined: Nov 19th, 2007
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Posts: 61
Unfortunately Jeff at the time of the Seth contact I was unemployed and finances did not allow the luxury of being able to buy equipment.  I was stuck with an old radio/cassette player where the internal mic had packed up.  The situation today has not change to much because I am on state benefit.  I mention these personal details so other’s will realize that not all people have the circumstances to go and buy up to date equipment and have to make to with what is available.  When I recorded Seth’s voice I had loaned a friend’s cassette recorder for a few days.  I now have a very old fashion tape recorder that will allow me to record with an external mic while at the same time trying to achieve spiricom contact.  By the way in case you might be interested I have posted a link to Youtube Video in the Direct Radio Voice experimental showing Adolf Homes making radio contact with  Kconstantine Rautive.