View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 12:07 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Notemanz wrote: Very interesting David!  Let's all share any info we can glean on the original experiments for sure.

One thing that leads me to question the original experiments is  that there was a report that Bill O'Neill refused to let himself be photographed from the front when the device was in operation mode. This is problematic of course because the potential for fraud would be much higher.

Another article postulates that if one wanted to "dupe" Mr. Meek, one would simply have to have a friend across the street with an FM wireless system in operation.

I only mention this because of the unfortunate fact that this system has not been able to be duplicated terribly successfully YET....  That's why we must all strive to duplicate other researchers work.

As mentioned, I just received Mini box #112 and have started experiments. After four limited session. I believe I have received some initial relevant responses to questions. I believe it is a process, and I'll post when there are tangible and duplicate-able results.

Great thread by the way!
John D

Hello John,  I see you too have read that article on 'duping' Mr. Meek.  This poster of that article is obviously uneducated in electrical physics.  He does not consider the RF energy being contained in a Faraday enclosure, which it was.  A Faraday enclosure will not allow electromagnetic energy inside itself; nor allow electromagnetic energy generated inside itself outside.  The alleged person with a radio across the street would have no effect on the device.  Also, there was no microphone input from Mr. O'Niel to the RF generator; so a person with a radio tuned to the proper frequency would never be able to hear what was going on in the house across the street!  The microphone in front of Mr. O'Niel was mixed to the tape recorder only.

Actually, one of the tests built-in to Mark VI is a RF amplifier and antenna placed outside the Faraday enclosure.  In this test mode, the transmitting antenna inside the cage is disabled, and the exterior antenna is enabled.  Modulated RF is sent to the exterior antenna at the test frequency (in this case I'm starting at 29.575 MHz RF, modulated with 400 Hz audio tone).  The radio receiver is tuned to that frequency to detect any modulation.  If any leakage occurs, the modulated tone will be heard from the system monitors.

As you know, this is to prove to the debunkers that the system will not respond to random radio broadcast, of any frequency.  Especially dudes with radios nearby but out of site.

I hope this clarifies, and supports your suspicions of that original poster.


Last edited on Dec 15th, 2007 01:34 PM by Jeff