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Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 08:55 AM |
DavidR wrote: There is a picture of the spiricom device in the EVP section on Keith's web sight. The recored 13 tones were done on a computer by a psychic researcher friend Gordon, and then copied onto cassette tape.
David, I looked for the picture of the Spiricom device "in the EVP section on Keith's website" but haven't found it yet. If you have a chance to locate it perhaps you can post a direct link. When I listened to your files it sounded like the 13 frequencies you used were the standard ones listed in the literature. Were they (in hertz): 131-141-151-241-272-282-292-302-415-443-515-653-701 ? If not, what were they? One of the things I tried to do when I first took an interest in Spiricom was to try duplicate the sound of those tones, as they could be heard when listening to some of the available O'Neil recordings. But using those standard frequencies I couldn't get the same sound. I downloaded all the recordings I could find and started doing some analysis of the what frequencies were being used to create those tones. (Maybe this is Old News to others on this forum, if so, what can I say, I'm a Newbie here.) The frequencies used were not the ones on the 13 frequency list in the documentation. I have attached a file with a different set of 13 tones that does replicate the sound of the tones used during one of O'Neil's recordings. I created this file using NCH Tone Generator freeware by just plugging in the desired waveform and the frequencies (in hertz): 420,525 630, 735, 840, 945, 1050, 1155, 1260, 1365, 1470, 1575 and 1680. There are about five seconds of two different waveforms using these frequencies, first are Triangle waveforms, then two seconds of silence, the Sine waveforms. They sound identical but if you run an frequency analysis on them separately you will see that the Triangle waveform gives a much richer, high frequency harmonic content. I would expect this waveform to give better Spiricom results. Actually, this specific set of frequencies comes courtesy of some skeptics from an analysis they did as part of their "proof" that Spiricom is a hoax. There is actually some useful on their page at Check out that link for information about which O'Neil recording their frequency analysis was done on. For my part I think this set of frequencies differing from the "standard list" from the Spiricom Report just shows that O'Neil was experimenting and refining the device in the natural course of its development. When you said, "I intend to do more spiricom experimets at a later date but I don't expect to gain any futher improvment on the quality of the voice." If you listen to some of the very early O'Neil recordings you will notice that the voice quality gets better in later recordings. I thought it might be worthwhile to point out the above and suggest that when you do experiments in the future you might try a different set of 13 tones. A simple way to do that nowadays is to create the desired set if tones with something like the NCH Tone Generator as a one hour long file. Save as an MP3 or Wav file and either load it onto an MP3 player or burn it to a CD. Then just pipe the output of your player into the RF generator's input. We, David, please let me know the list of 13 tones you used and the waveform if you know it. Bruce Attachment: 13 Tones -Tri - Sine.mp3 (Downloaded 1771 times)