View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Nov 13th, 2007 03:59 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Hi Debbie, Kieth, Vicky and Estee!  Thanks for responding, and I appreciate the interest!  Kieth and Vicky, just to clarify, you will not be required to have a working understanding of the equipment you will test; although I'll bet you would like to.  That's why the equipment would arrive fully documented, and a video demonstration of myself setting things up.  As I demonstrate what I'm doing, I'll be explaining just what this thing does; and how it does it.  I won't get too deep into the circuitry, so as not to have anyone go glassy-eye bored!

Debbie mentioned contact via the telephone.  With the documentation, there will be my phone contact numbers just in case you might have a question.  Feel free to call.  And thank you Debbie for signing up!

Estee, I understand you are working on video ITC.  Thanks for responding regardless.  However, Spiricom Mark VII will have a video interface, and I would like your input on your discoveries and techniques so they might be implemented into that model.

Again, thank you all for your support.  It makes this project so much more enjoyable :smile:.
