View single post by Estee
 Posted: Oct 25th, 2007 06:52 AM
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That's great that you've tried it before!

I can't make out much in that image on the foil you posted but maybe sometime you can try out an improvised way that I did with the foil using a gently blowing fan or one set at a distance with a Foil Flag and having a directional bright light shining on that foil.

Since you are getting so many interesting results with the water method, I'm just curious what would show up if you tried a few things out using foil instead.

I will look at your foil image that you posted here in an editor to look closer at it to see if there are any ITC image effects on it...


PS... just looked at your foil image and I DO see what look like faces plus when looking at this image as a whole it sort of looks like a monk holding something.

 Btw, I used a very cheap thin foil for my Foil Reflective experiments... lol, it serves as a better flag because of the way it blows in the wind than those thicker aluminum foil brands.

Last edited on Oct 25th, 2007 06:59 AM by