View single post by AuthorNicolajayneTaylor
 Posted: Aug 14th, 2017 07:58 PM
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Joined: Aug 14th, 2017
Location: Blackburn, United Kingdom
Posts: 5
Hello from the UK. I am an international bestselling author who writes fantasy, erotic horror with a life long interest in the paranormal. I have done masses of research and masses of searches, spoken to a lot of people about their experience and up until three years ago sceptical. My mother died and in the months that followed and since have had my experience, leading me to be a sceptical believer. I say that because I love science, physics and quantum physics and also philosophy. I follow a lot of Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock lectures and more recently Kieth Clark. I have known of the Scole experiment for a long time and it has always fascinated me especially the radio communication. I have been invited by Kieth to join this forum having watched the white noise, spectrograph videos on YouTube which I watched all the way through while intermittently writing my current work only to end up in that procrastinating zone, sucked into watching the video closely and becoming absorbed by the potential for this.

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International bestselling author, The Dark Side to the Butterfly. Amazon