View single post by jerseydude77
 Posted: Jan 24th, 2015 09:01 PM
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Joined: Jan 24th, 2015
Posts: 26
Hi everyone, about a week ago I think I captured my first EVP, I've been experiencing some activity around the house recently, I believe it's possibly related to some old, antique objects I recently came into owning, but I'm not certain, that's just my theory, anyway, I've been getting enough activity where I thought I would try to communicate with whoever might be there, this recording was done in the middle of the day, a week ago, when the recording starts, I wait a few moments before I ask any questions because an airplane is passing over head, but then I ask three questions, for two of the questions, I believe I hear a deep male voice saying something in reply, when I ask about playing music in that particular room, I believe I get a faint whispered reply, this is the part that blew my mind because I can actually make out what the voice says perfectly, though it is faint, anyway, I'm very curious about this, I believe I got my first EVP, but I'd love a second opinion, I'd really appreciate any feedback anyone can give me, it's really got me wondering if I truly captured something there....thank, I as about my dog on the recording as well, her name is Jenny, I think I hear her name as well,...thanks again