View single post by Toadmund
 Posted: Jun 5th, 2014 01:16 PM
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Well, I certainly ain't moving too quick, due to the inability to find a hackable radio I am making my own ghost box from scratch.

Because I am cynical and I am in a battle with myself for belief, I am driven to want to know and curious about strange things I've experienced in the past.

I find as I get older the world seems more and more objective, the paranormal is the only thing left for me to ponder, to think that there is more than what I can see, feel, and touch.

My thinking is that  cellphone is a cellphone, not a ghost hunting tool, my opinion is that a regular radio is more 'nuts and bolts' and would be more infiltratible by a 'spirit'.

But then again, what do I know?
If I was a spirit, I would be more impressed by a homemade or self hacked box.