View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: May 18th, 2014 05:18 PM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
As far as the Faraday cage,  you can use aluminum window screen for the mesh.  That will stop both AM & FM frequencies from leaking. 

Be sure you ground / earth / weld the mesh to dissipate any energy.

I don't think you need to use a metal plate for the bottom as long as the mesh covers the bottom.

You can google "make a faraday cage" and then look at Images to see various ways people have made them.

In the Spiricom Manual you will see on Page 25, they made a room size faraday cage.  If you have that kind of money to spend...great. 

Depending on if you intend to duplicate the original antenna's used...look at page 23 of the Spiricom Manual and you will see that in the Mark I:

"The signal output of a 300 MHz generator was coupled to a 5,5 foot long
antenna which consisted of three parallel copper wires. Two of these wires
radiated the generator signal while the center wire picked up the capacitively
and inductively coupled signal and fed it into a demodulator. Antenna and
generator signal were adjusted for resonance." the Mark II ~ Mark IV they state they improved the antenna but don't really go into detail on how they changed it.

But realistically,  since you are making a miniature version of the Spiricom,  You can use a smaller antenna and make a smaller faraday cage.
