View single post by pablotron
 Posted: May 18th, 2014 02:31 AM
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Joined: May 14th, 2014
Posts: 15
Well ...

What I'm trying to build is a Mark IV, I mean, I need a transmitter (softrock RXTX) and a receiver (I had originally thought of making a receiver later to 29-31 mhz home, and plug it into a normal PC speakers, if its not too complicated)

(Recall that story with the help of a technician in electronics)

The emission and reception antenna would go inside the faraday cage welded. Thus, the cage with the antennas would constitute one more piece of the puzzle

Another issue would be the tone generator 13: am among the software option or build a LM555 chip hardware, but that's another topic for later

The case would leave a space between antennas and between each antenna and the metal mesh of the cage. But do not leave much space

I hope google translate to behave! hehe
