View single post by Jan
 Posted: May 18th, 2014 01:52 AM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Posts: 85
OK Paul, Google Translate explains!

I have tried to keep my suggestions simple so Google Translate will translate accurately into Spanish - I hope!

Your question is a very difficult one question. Antenna theory can be very complex. What frequencies do you want to receive?

How are you receiving the signals? Are you using a shortwave radio? I see in another thread you are using SoftRock SDR. What other equipment will you be using? Have you already had some interesting results from other experiments which you want to continue and improve?

What materials do you already have for a Faraday cage? Remember that a micro-wave oven in a very good Faraday cage. You can do basic experiments inside with the door closed, but keep it switched off!

I don't think anyone has tried using a radio directly connected to an RF noise generator (many circuits here) especially inside a Faraday cage which will nearly eliminate all external radio signals. This may be an experiment to consider if EVPs can penetrate a Faraday cage.

What experiments are you trying to reproduce?

I hope this helps you.
