View single post by Phoenix
 Posted: Apr 19th, 2014 01:58 AM
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Joined: Apr 16th, 2014
Posts: 23
I think part of what happens with Schitzophrenia is the natural barriers in the mind break down causing overwhelming.  Part of what  you hear when you hear spirits are your own what are called thoughtforms.  Spirits can actually be made as well as be independent entities. The thoughts become increasingly more fearful in the disease and they cannot turn them off to rest and to boot the internal organization of the mind is disfunctional so the rational ability is deficient. Results in a living hell for the person suffering from the disease.

More cheerfully The topic of thoughtforms is fascinating and anyone working with ITC should have a basic understanding of the phenomenon.  It can be scary even for a balanced and properly functioning mind if you don't have this understanding.   ITC is just the latest medium of communication over a thousand year history of the tradition. It's a tradition that binds us as human beings together. Regardless of your origins you have a history of spirit communication.  ITC broke the barrier for me so it's near and dear to me.
Some suggestions for research
 Tulpa and Pema Tense ( tibetian names)  The Egyptians  practiced something called godmaking  making spirit servents using this phenomenon.
It's also recorded in the book of Job in the Bible jomsvikinga saga and the Eddas.   Another term and branch more modern they're called Servitors.

 It's led to both Carl Jung's superconscious type theories as well as the yoga and Buddist concepts of the ONE. I think both are true Spirits exist as independent of the medium or seer and they can be formed by the seer's emotional energy. 

Spirits can use most any kind of ambient sound that has some variety in it.  The scole experiments and the talking radios what were their names now  One is italian the other was American  show the level of development can go past the basic scrying level where only the medium can hear.  This can probably also be done visually as well.  Ill find the names by and by

This is an ancient method recorded in the book job, and the Eddas. It's hidden in a lot of ancient works and it's worth digging around looking for examples.  If you go to utube and listen to EVP tapes it will help you get the knack of the skill  Listen and practice.  Also on utube Steve Huff is one of the best ITC mediums I've seen and I learned a great deal from the videos