View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: Mar 4th, 2014 05:40 AM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Good morning Brian,

Nice job on the tower. 

When I first listened to the bridge sample file...for a fraction of a second in the response section I heard the response start out crystal clear and then modulate.  I thought it might have been a glitch in compression to an mp3.

Since watching your expanded video,  I realized it was the movement of the pencil mic that produced the effect.

The way the audio behaves during your process kinda reminds of me of when I was younger and used to talk into a tabletop fan to hear my robot to speak.

I also listened to your bridge carrier clip and ran it through some audio software to further modulate the sound but kept running into repeating patterns on the output; but I'm sure with a little tweaking it could be useful.

I agree that sound modulation is one viable option for communication.

I applaud your creativity and your design skills and look forward to any other projects you care to share.
