View single post by asil
 Posted: Feb 22nd, 2014 05:21 PM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2014
Posts: 32
Can't believe it. Maybe it's not even real, but I have often thought that I heard some voices on recordings - they have never been clear and rarely made sense, but I think that maybe when I have the patience that I need to go back and listen to them more carefully because I actually think that I have turned the corner.

Almost as soon as I left he room (another water running , left recording) I see and hear some loud static or water turned up (on wave forms)  and then I thought that I heard someone talking. I did do a noise reduction and listened closely and am so excited to hear a voice.

Listen closely at around the 38 second mark - I am using noise reducing headphones and cranked way way up !!!  sorry if you don't want me to tell you when to listen or what I think I hear, but I would so like to hear if any of you hear the same.

"I'm trying to talk...I love you you are worth  y  o  u    a  r  e    w  o  r  t  h    i  t"

(of course I don't really know who is talking, but I hope....)

What do you hear????