View single post by lkimberley
 Posted: Jan 21st, 2007 07:56 PM
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Joined: Jan 4th, 2007
Location: Monterrey/San Pedro, Mexico
Posts: 424
Greetings Everyone,

I am answering posts, and realized I haven't introduced myself. My name is Laura Kimberley,  I have been researching seriously for 2 years, I record daily from 3 hours or more a day, depending on the communication levels I get. I do, I believe have 2 way conversations, sometimes its very difficult to understand, but, I am checking into some modifications to my setup to see if it helps quell the noise from SW or PB area tones near the frequency bands I use.  I am also a member of the Zerdin Fellowship in the UK and the AAEVP in the USA. I received a message regarding a Dennis coming or calling me in 3 days. Well, he did he is with the Zerdin Fellowship Buzz letter on Physical Mediumship. A very uplifting, reassuring experience. I am a certified physic from the USA, and I didn't realize working with spirit, how it can develop other senses or I was not aware of I had or could do. I do believe it takes a level of mediumship for them to communicate and correspond with us, As Mark is the electronic specialist his wife Kathleen is the medium, as an example; they are great team. I believe all here, are intuitive to all levels and I am excited to be a part of this special wonderful time of all of us getting together to share ideas, messages, experiments, questions and more!

Warmest Blessings All,
