View single post by milan320
 Posted: Jul 19th, 2007 01:36 AM
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Joined: Jul 8th, 2007
Location: Lund, Sweden
Posts: 8
Hi Keith,

Thanks so much for your reply. I agree with everything you said, and quite frankly I'm not too bothered whether there is the possibility of sex in the afterlife. As I interpret what you said, the feelings of love are much more stronger than any physical contact. And perhaps that's the beautf of it. My reason for asking this question initially was not so much out of curiosity to know whether I'll be able to still "do it" :wink: when I get there, but rather I was trying to sort out all the information I have read about the afterlife and some things which tend to contradict each other, at least in my mind. And this topic was one that actually stood out in my mind, with some sources saying "yes" others saying "no".

Nevertheless, I would be quite interested in what your collegues have to say.

Now if I only had more success contacting my departed girlfriend ... need to keep trying though.

Thanks again. I'll check out the Circle of the Silver Chord link you provided.
