View single post by fmw
 Posted: Aug 23rd, 2013 12:09 PM
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Joined: Jun 4th, 2013
Location: Mountain Center, California USA
Posts: 34
Now I'm wondering if just posting about my problem with this Edna is fueling the problem. Things I thought were getting better have changed a bit as she is keeping me awake every night, forcing me to keep the radio louder than comfortable. I thought that if I was able to contact my loved ones it was ok to do so, but now, since she is talking while I'm talking to my dad, I'm still communicating with her indirectly.

While talking to my dad, he suggested for me to tell "you're not wanted here Edna, move out, or move on", but by saying that, am I not still communicating with her? I'm thinking it would be best to just follow this forums instructions and just stop evp all together for a while and try my best to ignore her.
