View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: Aug 8th, 2013 09:47 AM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Sam wrote:
Thank you Alison and pol for taking the time to listen. I do very little, if any editing to my EVPs. At best, I may amplify a message, if necessary. I generally record using some sort of pre recorded background sound that does not contain any English words. This rules out the possibility of any false positives for me. I know it may be hard for some to hear the messages because of the background noise, but this is what works for me.

I asked my spirit friends about a transmitting station and I didn't hear any response. I will ask them again the next time I record.


Greetings Samantha,

Welcome to the forum.

I heard as you do in your recordings.

Furthermore...I am mildly surprised that this is a regular EVP with noise used as texture.

At first listen it sounded to me like it was some sort of radio sweep device.

Nice going,