View single post by Domenic Capaldi
 Posted: Jul 9th, 2013 07:30 AM
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Domenic Capaldi


Joined: Jun 30th, 2013
Posts: 21
Spiricom was not solely about the devices used by Mr O`Neill, of course his setup was important as it was a means by which his technicians were able to connect with him,
unfortunately, things happened to the communicating station involved that rendered it obsolete, this has probably led to the failure to replicate O`Neill's results over the years by different researchers.

It matters not that O’Neil was a professional ventriloquist who owned a Electrolarynx, I don`t think this constitutes fraud. Mr Meek by all accounts was a very successful business man and as such he was not likely to invest in anything that was likely to have led to failed investment.

They must also have been aware that their claims were going to be scrutinized by the scientific community - how would they have got away with producing these utterances through a artificial larynx or as the result of some sleight of hand voice projection

If his work( or anyone else's as for that matter ) cannot be replicated we should look elsewhere for answers and after we have exhausted every avenue of investigation, then and only then we have to declare that his results were probably genuine and not FAKED!!.
Of course this can only be possible if we put jealousy, suspicion,and nastiness aside, as these things appear to be on the increase at the moment within the field.
My advice to anyone researcher out there who is likely to make a discovery of importance is to keep it to yourself. What we are given is not meant to sway the skeptics,or certain researchers points of view, it is solely for the benefit of our technicians and their development.

Last edited on Jul 9th, 2013 08:45 AM by Domenic Capaldi