View single post by PSB7USER
 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2013 01:25 AM
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Joined: Aug 6th, 2012
Posts: 40
I have recently come to realize that spirit can manipulate anything, be it a scanner, ghost box, Ovilus, etc, to try to interact with you if they so desire. Often times, while just sitting at my laptop with earbuds in, I hear whispers that really made me question my sanity for awhile. It was not until I wired my laptops' microphone array to my digital voice recorder, that I realized I was, indeed, hearing "chatter". While most of it was far from what we consider "intelligent", it was definitely the whispery voice of someone who was not present, that I could see. Nor was it a TV, as I now do not have my television on unless I am watching it, due to financial constraints:)