View single post by Rachel EVP Voices
 Posted: Jun 16th, 2013 02:35 PM
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Rachel EVP Voices


Hi Frank

Sorry to be brief but it's nearly bedtime here in the UK.

You're doing really well to get contact, please don't worry about who is speaking. We have lots of women speak, it's not just a male prerogative. Give yourself and the other side time, you're only just beginning!

We have some really odd EVPs of us saying things that we absolutely did not say ( apologies to all those who have already seen this link; ). The first 5 at the top of that page are most definitely our voices but all present agreed that the words were not said by us. Communicators use sound waves in the environment to model their speech, and if you're like us and you don't use white noise, then it may well be your voice that is used.

Keep going and it'll be as clear as mud!

Night all.

Rachel :biggrin: