View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: Feb 25th, 2013 03:25 PM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Greetings All,

One day I noticed that my camera emits a reddish light for auto-focus as it records. I decided to try Water-ITC using the bug light on our back porch as a light source in conjunction with the reddish light of the camera. When this proved promising, I set up in the laundry room so I wouldn’t be limited by time of day / night.

Here’s a slightly different way of taking Water-ITC images you may wish to try.

My setup is as follows:

I use a yellow fluorescent (curly cue) bug light in a ceiling fixture. I have the opaque globe attached to the fixture as one normally would.

I take a 12 quart stainless steel cooking pot and fill it with approximately 2 inches of water.

I place the cooking pot on a TV tray.

I set up my camera on a tripod in such a way as to allow for movement of the TV tray as I agitate the water.

I use a small 9 LED flashlight that emits a bluish-white light. These flashlights are widely available from your favorite department store and other places.

I use McCormick’s brand Neon Food Coloring…but I’m sure regular food coloring will work just fine.

Attached Image (viewed 667 times):