View single post by Vicki Talbott
 Posted: Jun 1st, 2007 08:51 AM
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Vicki Talbott


Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 687
Welcome Rosemary,

It's a boon to have you with us.  I have read many of your articles (I get FATE, for example) and have always been impressed with your work.  I have been working in the field actively for almost 4 years now and aside from my work in EVP have just begun to branch out into DRV and other forms of ITC.

I was at the AAEVP conference too, and loved it.  If you saw Martha Copeland's presentation on the Big Circle, I was one of her side presenters, playing EVP from my son and his cohorts in the Big Circle.

I look forward to your contributions and to exploration of EVP/ITC with all here.  Vicki